Better training for better care.
Effortlessly train your care worker employees with Practicare.
Our solution helps you enhance quality of care with access to a wide selection of online courses and programs developed by experienced practitioners.
Turnkey curriculum options & custom learning pathways.
Our products span multiple facets of the community care sector, providing your team with pre-built learning pathways that can be customized for your unique organization or deployed as a ready-made solution.
Leveraging Canadian standards and practitioner insights.
We bring a depth of insight and experience to course offerings. Informed by provincial and federal standards, we’ll make sure that your curriculum reflects your organization’s operating environment.
User friendly platform for your employees and managers.
Our flexible platform offers self-paced learning options paired with management-driven training compliance. Increase your employees’ confidence and expertise, and support their capacity deliver great care.
Management solutions for oversight and cohort planning.
Our management dashboards offer the business intelligence you need to manage workforce training. Work with our team to further customize curriculum to include employee onboarding and annual refresher material.

Curriculum that counts.
The highest quality care begins with training of the highest quality.
Better care. Everywhere.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Caring for Seniors in their Homes
Long-Term Care and Personal Care Homes
Child and Youth Residential Care

From good to great.
Unlock the potential of your care worker employees.
Let’s Connect

Experience Matters.
Our solution is built upon decades of direct-service delivery.
Practicare courses are eligible for various funding programs designed to help organizations access training.
We’d love to hear from you and work together to help you access prospective funding.

Interested in collaborating?
Whether you’d like to get your training content online, dream-up augmented reality environments, or explore in-person educational opportunities - we would love to hear from you.